Olsen Brothers Climb Mount Kilimanjaro to support pediatric cancer patients and families

In November 2024, the two of us - Owen (age 16) and Eli (age 15) Olsen - will be climbing the 19,341 feet of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to support Western New York pediatric cancer patients and their families. We are setting a fundraising target of $19,341, all of which will go directly to the Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation, Inc. This foundation was chosen as Michael passed from Burkitt’s Lymphoma at the age of 6, a cancer that I (Eli ) was fortunate to have successfully battled when I was 3 years old.  We believe strongly in the work the foundation does, directly supporting children and their families during times of need. 

why are we doing doing this

When Eli was diagnosed with cancer (Burkitt’s Lymphoma) on July 19, 2012, our family of five soon to be six (expecting our brother Ethan), our parents had to figure out how to work, care for us and spend weeks at a time in the hospital, a strain which they were lucky to weather with the help and support of extended family. Eli was treated with methods which would likely cause long term health impacts including neurological development, cardiac damage and even increased likelihood of additional cancers over the months of treatment. We were incredible fortunate that Eli is thriving today with no issues and our family was able to weather that period of our life, however we recognize just how fortunate we all are and want to do something significant to celebrate Eli and raise awareness and support for pediatric cancer patients and their families.

  • Cancer is the #1 cause of death by disease for children in America

  • 1 out of 6 children with cancer in America do not survive five years

  • In the past 30 years, only seven drugs have been approved by the FDA to treat childhood cancer. In this time, over 200 drugs have been approved for adults.

  • 1 in 4 FAMILIES report losing more than 40% of their annual household income as a result of treatment-related work disruption—this figure doesn’t account for out-of-pocket expenses like traveling to the hospital and extra childcare at home.

who we are

We have been born and raised in Buffalo, NY and are currently both at Amherst High School ias a Junior and Sophmore, both on the cross country and track teams. We are the oldest of six children in our family and enjoy spending lots of time travelling around the world with them. In addition to the summer and Spring sports, Owen is class President and swims while Eli is a ski instructor and volunteers frequently throughout Western New York.

who we are supporting

AWe are inspired by the Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation’s mission to “LEND A HAND FOR HOPE”: To assist families whose children are undergoing cancer treatment with expenses related to hospital stays, provide those children with support during treatment and the means to remain connected with school, family and friends. To support ongoing research efforts in pediatric blood cancers. And to offer  assistance to youth organizations and community sports programs in Michael’s memory (by awarding Community Youth Grants)

Through the years, the Foundation's support had included (as of 5/19/24):

    •    Assisted 563 families, and given over $755,642 in support

    •    Contributed over $95,000 to pediatric cancer research

    •    Donated over $75,000 to assist youth activities/sports through grant funding